Zero hunger and Climate action

January 18, 2022

Zero hunger and Climate action

“Zero hunger” and “Climate Action” are some of the most urgent sustainable development goals, according to the UN 2030 Agenda.

The agricultural sector is definitely a crucial segment if we want to change our future for the better.

Today, modern agriculture has to face a number of challenging issues: on one side the dramatic effects of climate change, on the other the severe soil pollution caused by  the extensive use of pesticides and – last but not least – a growing demand for food due to a constantly increasing world population.

This is why FertiGlobal’s R&D has focused on the need for valid alternatives to the traditional use of pesticides.

Our #EnNuVi technology is the latest result of our in-depht studies: a savvy combination of bioactive polyphenols with selected natural ingredients, able to enhance plant growth from seed germination to maturity, boost its resistance to abiotic stress conditions and enlarge its life cycle.

The value of our EnNuVi technology has been recognized and awarded by the European Union, that is supporting the project within its LIFE Programme.

Visit our web site to learn more:

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