#trialresults Archives - FertiGlobal

April 12, 2022
LIFE ENVision’s update

Field trials results for the ENVision project

A crucial issue for the entire agro-sector is the need to increase crop resistance at large scale, while boosting harvest quality and productivity.

Is it possible to reach these results while protecting the planet and increasing soil fertility?

We are excited to share with you an evidence of the powerful impact of #EnNuVi technology.

A 28 on-field test carried out in 4 different European agro-climate regions has demonstrated the effectiveness on the reduction of the environmental impact of agriculture in terms of:

🥒 reduction of fungicide application

💧reduction of water consumption

Results were evident on a wide variety of crops, all significant for EU culture and economy: from grapes to flowers passing by apples, potatoes, zucchini and sugar beet.

European Union has included #ENVisionProject in the LIFE funding Program, acknowledging its innovative power and the revolutionary value for the agricultural and environmental scene.

November 23, 2021
EnNuVi Technology

EnNuVi trial on onion

Farming is certainly a rewarding job. Yet, results can be very unpredictable because of external factors, such as weather conditions. ⛈

These pictures have been taken near Lelystad (The Netherlands). Here, last summer, onion bulbs have been badly damaged due to heavy rainfalls.

This is why these plants needed a little extra help: our local partners have treated them with our patented bioactivating technology EnNuVi, a natural vitality boost for crops.

The photo on the right shows the results achieved: as you can see, plants have fully recovered.

Leaves are stronger and greener, visible signs that the bulbs are safe and still growing 🌱


November 16, 2021
EnNuVi Technology

EnNuVi improves also the water use efficiency

Welcome to the special greenhouse of FertiGlobal’s cutting-edge R&D hub in Larderello (Italy).

Here, our passionate team of young scientists is constantly committed to develop innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture.

This is the mission at the heart of our #ENVisionProject, awarded and funded by the European Union’s #LIFEprogramme.

📷 🍅 These photos show one of the trials we have carried out last summer, focused on a local tomato variety: ‘costoluto fiorentino’

The aim was to test the effectiveness of our EnNuVi technology in growing strong, healthy plants with 30% less water.

Results have been very positive: have a look at the beautiful, red tomatoes in the box.

Imagine being able to reach great results in terms of productivity and quality while significantly reducing water consumption. Isn’t it great?


June 28, 2021
Strawberries and other fruits

Webinar in Chile to show FertiGlobal’s results on fruits

✅ Another digital training session to save in your agenda, not to be missed!

👉 June 29 at 19.00 (CLT time)

🇨🇱 We are pleased to invite you to the next FertiGlobal webinar that will be hold directly from the beautiful Chilean land!

Our Technical Development LATAM @María Josefina Mackern Oberti will introduce the results of the latest research carried out in the orchards of Chanco, in the Maule region.

You can find all the details to register in the picture below👇

See you on Zoom or on Facebook!

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